A young couple tired of the status-quo. Tired of living and struggling for an average life, working for someone else's dreams. Tired of people telling us "you can't do that, be realistic". We are making a choice. We are making our reality. We will not be average anymore. The status-quo will no longer apply to us. We are going after the spectacular!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
We're still here!
When we got back to Missoula, we began job searching and looking for a place to live. Recently, Meagan was hired on as an assistant volleyball coach at a local high school, which is great. We also began going to a life-group here that has been really good to go to. Of course, we do still miss our old life groups :-)
You know, stepping out on faith was hard, and while it has been an awesome experience, and we have learned quite a bit, it hasn't gotten much easier. I still struggle with trying to control our circumstances, but there's always a learning curve. At least I have a wonderful wife to support and love me!
This has been a great experience, and it is still going well. We are believing God for guidance, direction, and wisdom, and any prayers for that would be awesome!! (Also, for somewhere to live would be nice too lol).
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Made it to Bozeman
Well it's been a while. We have done a ton of traveling this last week and a half. After the Badlands we went to Greybull, WY where we camped at a KOA. It was really nice there. From there we went to the Grand Tetons to stay for a while, where we called with a grizzly sow and her two cubs nearby. Never did get to see them. At night we'd hear the wolves howling which was pretty neat. There was only one trail accessible by foot at the time, because everything else was snow covered. As it was, I sank up to my hips in snow through the trail a time or two. It was gorgeous country though. Clear, fresh air. Bright blue skies. It was pretty spectacular. From the Tetons we headed to Yellowstone through the Teton pass, where we got caught in a snowstorm. I'm happy to report that everything was fine in the storm and God protected us through it. We got to Yellowstone around 1pm and Old Faithful was going off around 2pm, so we hurried up and got there about 5 min before it went off. It was cool to see. Then within 30 min we had rain change to sleet, sleet to snow, with snow ending up about 2 inches deep within the 30 min timeframe. Since it kept snowing and the park was clearing out, we decided to see the sights in the snow. A lot of the times we went to a place it was so steamed up you couldn't see much, but when you could, it was gorgeous. Picture deep blue and gold and purple against a white backdrop. Not something many people get to see in person. After getting thoroughly cold, and wet, we checked in to a locally owned hotel which turned out to be really nice. Again, God blessed us with a great rate for a couple of nights. We rests a day or so, then headed to north Yellowstone to camp and hike. All the southern trails were closed. We hiked around some trails and saw lots of different animals and some amazing views. After a couple of days, we headed out to see Bozeman, because it was recommended to us by a gentleman we met who owned a local laundromat. Now we are here and have met some really great people and are camping for the night! Follow us on G+ to see pics!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
South Dakota
What a journey. In 5 days we have driven through 5 states, seen a couple big cities and a bunch of small ones. God has made some beautiful country for us to experience and we're just getting started.
When we left Kansas city we headed to the Badlands. The speed limit changed to 75mph, which was weird, and we had a 35mph crosswind, which on the plains is pretty good wind. Kinda made it feel like we were driving a kite. Meagan was getting pretty depressed with 10 hours of plains, and Balto was getting bored. Then all of a sudden BAM! The prairie gave way to awesome formations of all different colors. It was truly spectacular. It's hard to put into words how it hits you after seeing nothing by grass and prairie for hour after hour.
I couldn't imagine being one of the first settlers to see it. Pulling up in your wagon to a huge wall of rock and trying to figure a way across or around it. Gives us a lot of respect for those who had to deal with that.
We camped at Sage Creek Campground, which is a primitive campsite in the Badlands. The road to get to it was not paved, but it was pretty neat. We got to see a couple of prairie dog towns, and a bunch of bison. When we got camp set up and started cooking, a bison wandered into the camp, eating and staring at us. Balto wasn't sure what to think about it, and the bison wasn't sure to think about Balto. Both were eyeing each other, until we made Balto lay down. Then they each did their own thing. That night the coyotes were yipping and howling and the big sky was bright with stars and the moon.
The next morning we spent 4 hours repacking the car to make things fit more comfortably, hiked for a bit in the back country of the Badlands, then headed to Wall Drug South Dakota for donuts, ice cream, and coffee. After that we went on to rapid city where we got a really nice Comfort Suites for a really good deal. We are staying two nights here, then heading to either wind cave, the black hills, or wherever. The next place we will definitely be camping again, but we are going to try to find a site that you can have a campfire at. Stay tuned for more on this journey.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Kansas City
Well we made to KC last night. Got in about midnight and went to bed. We decided to stay all day Thursday and explore. It's actually a pretty neat city. We are staying at the Hotel Phillips (thanks an express deal), which is historical in itself. We visited the WW1 museum and then went to the top of the liberty memorial. Balto went up with us and loved being 21 stories above the city.
This is surreal. We can't believe that we are now on the way to Montana. We keep talking about how it seems like a dream. God has been really blessing us with good driving conditions, places to see, and we can't wait to be out in His country and beauty tomorrow.
We took some pics and posted them to the G+ account, since I couldn't get them to load onto this blog. If you're not following us be sure to! Even better pics to come!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
On the way!
Well it's been an emotionally charged last few days. From saying our "See ya's", to packing, to fixing the car, and to getting a song I wrote sung for Meagan at Tootsies Orchid Lounge, we have had our highs and lows. But we are finally done. We made it to Nashville tonight, repacked the Subaru, and are headed to bed. We are excited and nervous at the same time. When people ask is what our plans are, we give a general itinerary, but truth be told we will just go where God leads us. We are excited about this ranch in Montana. We have no idea how or when it's going to happen, but God has been confirming this trip and direction for us for a while now. We want our friends and families to know we love them and we thank them for their support. We'll keep you folks posted as we go. If we can figure out how to share pics we'll do that too. In the mean time, ponder this:
" What's your spectacular look like?"
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
21 days and counting
I was at Steve's Auto and Truck repair (fantastic place to get your car worked on btw) getting the Subaru looked at and found out that we had a bad wheel bearing. Well long story short, there was a lady in there who was also getting her car fixed, and we struck up a conversation, and when my bill came, she paid for the whole thing. Said she was happy to help a brother in Christ and she also said it was a thank you for serving our country. I tell you it was a great blessing. Saved us a few hundred dollars.
We had a friend of ours invite us to put some of our stuff in a yard-sale he was having. Well we ended up selling almost everything that was in the sale, including Meagan's car, which was fantastic. It's really cool to see how God is working, bringing the right people into our path at the exact moment we need them. One of the reasons that we wanted to share this with everyone is that I have been really stressed with not knowing what is going to happen once we get out to Montana. Remember...no job prospects, no place to live, etc. If you know me personally, you know that I am a planner...I like to have a very good idea of what the outcome is before I travel or enact a plan. So the not knowing is killing me.
So the "how" is the biggest factor of all. Lucky for me, my God is bigger than money, Montana, or anything else this crazy world has in store. We know where we are at, and where we feel led to be, but what we don't know is how we're gonna get there, or how long it is going to take. It's all in God's hands. One thing about God that I have come to realize is that while He is never early with His blessings, He is also never late. He is always right on time.
If God is calling you to do something, I would suggest that you listen.
1 John 4:1-6 says,"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God:every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
Take your own leap of faith and be ready to witness the Spectacular.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
What's going on so far...
So we are excited to report that we have started packing and are preparing things for a big sell off in April. We have thought about buying a new car (bigger one), but have decided against it because we are trying to be debt free. As of this post, we have paid off almost $2000 worth of credit card debt and are on track to pay off more by the time we leave (hopefully all of it).
As each day passes we find ourselves talking to more and more people about this "escape". We tell them what our plans our, and how we are going about doing it. It's amazing to watch people's reactions. They get this far-away look in their eyes and they tell us how envious they are that we are doing something like this, and that they wish they could do it. Well I'm here to tell you folks, you can do it if you put your mind to it. If it is something that you are passionate about, you will find time to do it. I understand that many people have kids and families that they don't want to uproot, but I ask you, "What are you teaching your kids?". Are you teaching them that it is okay to dream, but not to act upon your dreams? I'm not saying that you should quit your job with thousands of dollars of debt, and move to Bora-Bora or whatever, but you should try to responsibly prepare to follow your dreams (God-centered, debt-free, savings to fall back on, etc). Involve the kids in your dream and definitely be on the same page as your spouse is.
You might be saying, "You don't have kids, you don't know what it is like." I'll say, "You're right, I don't have kids, but listen to our new friends who are doing something similar..."
So let's call them John and Jane. Not their real names of course. I want to protect their identities in case someone they know happen upon this blog. John works a good job according to other people's standard. He makes decent money and he and his wife have a side business that is starting to earn them some money. Jane is now a stay at home mom. They have 4 kids ranging from young to teenager. When we shared what we are about to do, John told me what he was about to do. Apparently he is unhappy with his job and is not getting fulfillment out of it. He also says he feels that God is calling him and his family to another city. So, with 4 kids and a wife to take care of, he is planning on moving to the new city and live in a RV for 6 months to a year. He is in the process of getting his house ready to sell (to get out from the mortgage) and quitting his job. To save money, they will live in the RV until they can find a new place to live. True story.
Now, to me, that takes a lot of faith and a lot of courage. He is not making a rash decision, but he and his wife and kids are on board with him. They are planning on doing this together and are going to need each other when times get tough. So you can see why we hit it off. Here is another man who is following what he believes and is faithful enough to follow his dream. He knows that a mediocre life is not for him and he wants his family to experience awesome. If you're following God, it can't be anything but awesome.
So back to us. Out west is where we need to be for now. Are we supposed to be there forever? Or just a month? We don't know. What we do know is that either way it is going to be one heck of a story. We are just gonna step out on faith and see where it takes us.
As a side note, we aren't going to be posting every single day. When we do leave though, we will do our best to keep the blog as updated as possible, and hopefully have some great pictures to share with y'all.
Until next time, find your awesome.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
A little about us
We have made a choice to no longer be average. We have made to choice to no longer be victims of circumstance and chance. We were made for greater things. We don't know what just yet, although we have a pretty good idea. Anyways, more on that later.
So about us as of right now....
Our little family is Andrew, Meagan, and Balto. Andrew is ex-military, a certified health fitness specialist, and has a master's degree in exercise science. He has had a master's degree and certification for months now with no job prospects at all, despite spending many hours each day applying to jobs all over the country and enlisting the help of employment specialists. He is currently working a seasonal job for a tax service. Gotta make ends meet right?
Meagan also has a master's degree in exercise science. She has had that degree for almost a year and a half at the time of this writing. She loves aquatics and teaching children how to swim, which is what she currently does part-time for a living. She also spends many hours each day searching for jobs, with no prospects at all.
Balto is our awesome dog. He is a timber wolf/Alaskan malamute mix. He currently spends his days hanging out and wanting to play, and sprinting when we take him for a walk/ run. He was made for the outdoors (like us).
So reading those descriptions doesn't make us sound too exciting. It makes us sound like thousands of other people in America. It sounds like the status-quo these days. We did the "right" thing according to previous generations. We went to college, we got our degrees, but where are the jobs? Isn't that what was supposed to come next? So now we are are stuck struggling to pay the bills, to put food on the table, and we are struggling just to survive.
Don't get us wrong now...our life isn't terrible. We have some amazing friends, some we have met this year and others whom we have known for years. We have families who love us, and who want the best for us. But unless we somehow come into big money (not likely to happen so don't hold your breath) then we need to make our own way. We are sad to be leaving our family and friends, but we cannot let that sadness stop us from chasing our dream. We want our friends and family to know we love them, and we invite them to experience life with us, either through here, the phone, or even better, in person.
That being said, come May of 2014 there will be a change. We will no longer be stuck just surviving. We are choosing life. We are planning to sell most of our possessions and take to the roads. We are heading out west. Why you may ask? Because that's where God is leading us. That's where, in our heart of hearts, we know we are meant to be. We don't have a job offer waiting. We don't have a place to live waiting. What we do have waiting is the adventure of a lifetime. We refuse to limit ourselves to mediocrity. We are going to step out on faith and watch life happen. Join us as we laugh, as we cry, as we prepare for and experience one of the greatest journeys of our lifetime. In the end, it'll at least be a story to tell the kids and grand-kids and hopefully it will inspire them to step out on faith and go for their dreams.
Yes, this is for real, it is not just a story. Join us as we go after the Spectacular.