Wow. Our first blog. Never thought we would be "bloggers". Then again, we are about to do a lot of things we never thought we would do. We are about to radically change our lives. And people are definitely calling us crazy for it. You're probably asking yourself, "What are they talking about?". What are they about to do? Well let us tell you....
We have made a choice to no longer be average. We have made to choice to no longer be victims of circumstance and chance. We were made for greater things. We don't know what just yet, although we have a pretty good idea. Anyways, more on that later.
So about us as of right now....
Our little family is Andrew, Meagan, and Balto. Andrew is ex-military, a certified health fitness specialist, and has a master's degree in exercise science. He has had a master's degree and certification for months now with no job prospects at all, despite spending many hours each day applying to jobs all over the country and enlisting the help of employment specialists. He is currently working a seasonal job for a tax service. Gotta make ends meet right?
Meagan also has a master's degree in exercise science. She has had that degree for almost a year and a half at the time of this writing. She loves aquatics and teaching children how to swim, which is what she currently does part-time for a living. She also spends many hours each day searching for jobs, with no prospects at all.
Balto is our awesome dog. He is a timber wolf/Alaskan malamute mix. He currently spends his days hanging out and wanting to play, and sprinting when we take him for a walk/ run. He was made for the outdoors (like us).
So reading those descriptions doesn't make us sound too exciting. It makes us sound like thousands of other people in America. It sounds like the status-quo these days. We did the "right" thing according to previous generations. We went to college, we got our degrees, but where are the jobs? Isn't that what was supposed to come next? So now we are are stuck struggling to pay the bills, to put food on the table, and we are struggling just to survive.
Don't get us wrong now...our life isn't terrible. We have some amazing friends, some we have met this year and others whom we have known for years. We have families who love us, and who want the best for us. But unless we somehow come into big money (not likely to happen so don't hold your breath) then we need to make our own way. We are sad to be leaving our family and friends, but we cannot let that sadness stop us from chasing our dream. We want our friends and family to know we love them, and we invite them to experience life with us, either through here, the phone, or even better, in person.
That being said, come May of 2014 there will be a change. We will no longer be stuck just surviving. We are choosing life. We are planning to sell most of our possessions and take to the roads. We are heading out west. Why you may ask? Because that's where God is leading us. That's where, in our heart of hearts, we know we are meant to be. We don't have a job offer waiting. We don't have a place to live waiting. What we do have waiting is the adventure of a lifetime. We refuse to limit ourselves to mediocrity. We are going to step out on faith and watch life happen. Join us as we laugh, as we cry, as we prepare for and experience one of the greatest journeys of our lifetime. In the end, it'll at least be a story to tell the kids and grand-kids and hopefully it will inspire them to step out on faith and go for their dreams.
Yes, this is for real, it is not just a story. Join us as we go after the Spectacular.
So glad to be apart of your lives as you start out on your journey, love you guys.